Om Shanti

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Namaste! Welcome to my blog!

This blog is dedicated in memory of my dad who passed away on February 27th, 2008. I wanted to keep his memories alive. I created this blog to invite our family and friends to share with us any good memories they had with my dad.

Please take a few moments to write your happiest or most heart warming memories that you recall about my dad in this guest book. Thanks for your time.


  1. He was a great person in my life. He entered into my life when I was 16 years old and since then my journey with him started. He taught me how to eat with fork and spoon, how to play chess, listening to cricket matches on the radio. We enjoyed going to movies together. His favorite hero was Nageswar Rao and mine was Shammi Kapoor.

    Next children. Four daughters.
    As they grew up we were so proud of them. Each one is a jewel to us. They were brought up like that. Kids were our first priority. As they grew he used to teach them Math and physics more. I was teaching other subjects. When ever children got distinction or still better he used to be a proud Dad. Used to say they are engineers’ daughters you know.

    Later their marriages and then came grand children. Yah!!!! Life feels more complete with grand children. We are lucky to have wonderful grandchildren. All of them are very smart. They are the best.

    I always enjoyed him singing. His voice was so melodious. He had the best smile. Some kind of JAADU... magic. All my anger towards him for the things he did which I did not like would vanish. He always gave priority to my decisions.

    I’m not sure how it will be to face the remaining journey without him. He introduced me to Brahma kumaris knowledge which always keeps me occupied these days.

  2. It is impossible to express in words, my gratitude to my Dad and Mom who have given this life to me. My parents always put the children before them. They have given me moral values, great education, spirituality and many skills to lead a respectable life. Without preaching my Daddy taught me a lot in life. It is impossible to repay all this.

  3. I recently saw the portrait of Mona Lisa at the Louvre Mueseum in Paris, but to me any day my dad's smile is better than Mona Lisa's

  4. Madhavi,

    This is just so beautiful! I can't tell you how proud I am of you for making this blog in daddy's memory. Reading all of this has brought tears to my eyes. At the same time I am very happy to see that dad now has a nice and cozy spot in the cyberspace.

    There are many life lessons I learned from Dad but I will always remember him for his ability to truly enjoy the simplest things in life. The things most of us take for granted. I will remember his sense of humor, his ability to focus on the positive side in any situation and of course his smiling face.

    Of all the memories I have of Dad, my fondest one will have to be the one when I was visiting India with Trishya and Tanisha. Tanisha was six months old and she got sick. She must have been in terrible pain because she wouldn't stop crying. The pediatrician suggested we give her a specific fruit called sapota in India to ease her pain. It was 2:00 am in the night and all stores were closed. Dad hunted for fruit vendors in the middle of the night, found one, woke him up and bought the fruit. It was close to 4:00 am by the time he got home. Dad's effort did pay off because Tanisha felt better after eating the fruit. The best part of it all, not once did daddy complain. He was just happy to help. To him his kids and grand kids always came first.

  5. Amma,

    You spent the most time with Dad, probably more than his parents too. So it is understandable that you would miss him the most. But do not worry. His memories will keep you (and all of us) strong going forward. Everything will be just fine.

  6. My father-in-law was a very cheerful and loving person at heart. He was a great inspiration to me to come close to the spiritual knowledge which is world wide known as brahma kumaris. He was always ready to help us whenever there was a need. Even now we all feel his presense with us due to his humbleness.

  7. I have many sweet memories with my dad right from my childhood. He has always given us more than what we expected. I have never heard him say “no” to anything we ask for. My dad has fulfilled all my wishes.

    My dad was very interested in sports, puzzles and riddles. When we were kids he always used to ask us riddles and puzzles. He enjoyed asking his grand children the puzzles too.

    Once when my dad was visiting me before his trip to USA, he told me “As you are my eldest daughter every time before going to America to visit other three daughters I will come to your home first and then definitely other daughters’ place”. It made me feel very happy which is hard to express in words.

    When I was in 10th grade my dad came across Brahma Kumaris Spiritual Knowledge. Because of this knowledge life has become very easy for me. It helps me in all situations. He told us forgiveness should be practiced in life. When ever I think of my dad I see his cheerful face.

  8. My father-in-law was a very good person. I always enjoyed his company especially his sense of humor. It was fun having him around during the long drives when he would entertain us with his melodiuos voice and his jokes. He loved playing with his grand kids. He was creative enough to keep them all enterained irrespective of their age. He was also a very helpful person.

  9. My Annayya was a thorough gentleman. Although I am not his own sister he always made me feel very close to him. I can never forget his sweet gentle smiling face. I had the honor of spending one memorable day with him in the hospital, that was the day when the doctors told him about his sickness.I could not control him over the overwhelming grief he had for leaving back my Vadina all alone. He expressed the feeling that it was their time to spend together, and that he was planning on a trip to Europe. He also shared with me that he wanted to plan a surprise very big family reunion for his dear wife on her 60th birthday. All those desires of him remain unfulfilled.
    He always had a lot of love and respect for my Vadina and I will always remember his smiling face and his gentle nature.

  10. One of my earliest memories of Mavayya was when my family made a trip to Bangalore in the mid 90's. He welcomed us very warmly and I also remember how excited my dad was to see him after so long. Both my mom and dad have always had a great deal of respect and liking towards Mavayya. My dad told us that he was held in high regard in the whole family because of his wisdom and kind nature. My dad saw him like his own elder brother. When we were visiting Bangalore, Mavayya went the extra mile to make sure we were all comfortable. Of course so did Attha as always. So when he saw that my brother and I were getting a bit bored at home he took us to the club he was a member of. There, he showed us around and gave us a wonderful tour. He took us to a snookers table and we played for the first time after he thoroughly explained the rules. We were having so much fun and Mavayya himself played with us for several hours. We couldn't ask for more! His patience and love of teaching is what really drew us to him. More recently when I met Mavayya in California I enjoyed having conversations with him. He emit warmth from within. I also really enjoyed watching him play and interact with his grandchildren. They truly loved being with him. Madhavi, this is a wonderful way for all of us to share memories of Mavayya and keep his spirit alive. I am so happy to have known and spent time with him.

  11. I remember when we were in TV Nivas in Kachiguda (Hyderabad) where all of you [Sarada, Kalyani, Madhavi and Malathi] were raised; the tenants referred both bavagaru and me as, ‘Krishna and Arjun’ jodi (pair). He has been ‘Krishna [God]’ for me ever since I knew him for nurturing, grooming and advising me and being the ‘big brother’ of the family. Tatagaru [grandpa] always used to say that Mohan Rao was the eldest son of the family and believe me nobody even came closer to what he has been to all of us from the day we saw him. He has been a husband, father, brother, brother-in-law and a friend for different family members and others but for me, he is the ‘Krishna [God]’ who has always been and will be with me forever.
    Madhavi, through this noble deed of creating the blog on nannagaru’s name, you have give us yet one more opportunity to express our feelings and respect for him which would have probably remained incomplete in our lives.
    There are numerous wonderful memories of him in my life and in the lives of Vidya, Stuthi and Pratik. At Belmont home, he always enjoyed playing table tennis that I learnt from him in Hydrabad. But the apex of all the memories is the one when he was admitted in the hospital in San Jose in Aug 2007….as always he welcomed me with his open arms and soothing smile. He had both his hands in mine when the smile turned into tears… he hugged me tightly and whispered gently, ‘I am worried about your sister; will you promise to take care of her after I am gone’. That’s when it hit me. Please be reminded that he never asked anything for himself. There was a moment of silence and I first told him that he would come out strong of the sickness and promised him whole-heartedly, ‘I will take care of akka (sister) and it is my promise’. And I will keep the promise given to him always and I have Vidya who equally respects bavagaru and loves akka. We feel lucky to have the two of them in our lives.
    I saw him last time in Bangalore [Sept. 2008], walked a bit with him in the corridors of the hospital when he reminded me of the promise. His soft smile, melodious voice, friendly nature, warmth and closeness to the heart, is a gentle reminder that my ‘Krishna’ is always with me. We love you bavagaru, our bavagaru.

  12. Mavayya garu was one of the most humble persons I've known in my life. He had done a great job in giving the best for his children. He was a very selfless and spiritual person who put others first. I have fond memories of the times he spent with us in San Jose. He loved playing with Hrishika. He had a melodious voice. I'll never forget the times when he sang lullabies for Hrishika and Harshul when they were born.You could feel the love and warmth he had for the grandkids, through his voice.He was a big sports fan and he loved watching tennis, cricket, soccer and basketball when he was in San Jose.Those were good times we spent with him.In 2003, we had a great time when all of us went to Kabini.We spent quality time with Mavayya garu and Attamma during that trip. I had never seen Mavayya garu get angry or stressed. He always gave me good advice and guidance based on his own experiences.I'll always remember his smile and his simple, humble nature, and cherish all the times I spent with him.

  13. He was soul gifted with ability to understand & analyze the Divine knowledge in his own scientific mode .He used to share the intricate principles of knowledge in simpler way with others.

    Was very enthusiastic in not just listening to knowledge but also in doing various Seva activities. Ready & Every ready are two words that we all at center associate with his name because of his active participation in all activities at Brahma Kumaris RajYoga center

    Because of which he created lot of good fortune, which goes with him forever ………

  14. I am one of the fortunate ones to have known KNM Mohan Rao Garu. It was in 1963 I first met him at Mahadevan mess, opposite to Secunderabad station (it is no longer in existence). We both lived there for few months. I was 15 and just came to city to join Polytechnic at Masab Tank. He was undergoing Engineering Supervisor training for Telephones, P & T department. He used to call me Thammudu and took care of me while we were at Mahadevan mess. Later he got into his job, got married and started living at Kachiguda. I completed my Diploma in 1966, joined Defence Labs and got married in 1967. When his neighboring portion fell vacant he asked me to move there which we obliged happily. Both our families and our children developed very close relationship. We were neighbors for 5 years until we moved to Delhi. After that we rarely met each other but we have been keeping track of each other. Again it was after his daughter Madhavi moved to USA we revived our personal contact. We felt so happy to see each other and kept constant touch till the end.
    Mohan Rao Garu was a kind person and very soft spoken. He was always in smiles and it was a pleasure to be in his company. He could not hurt anybody and always ready to help friends. I enjoyed playing cards with him in Hyderabad. He became a close friend to my entire family including my parents, brothers etc. We all miss him. I and my wife, Dyva, miss him a lot but he is always in our thoughts and will remain so forever.
    Wherever he is, we wish his soul peace and happiness.

  15. Without my father-in-law , a big vaccum is created in my family and it is very hard to digest the fact that such a simple and disciplined man is not amongst us to guide us anymore. Being the second son-in-law , I was fortunate to see his career from a respected Govt. officer to a retired Gentleman. He is a selfless man who has helped mumerous people in his capacity to meet their needs. His presence with me used to give me lot of strength and I can not forget his and my mother-in law's tireless help to me and my family. My children are very fortunte to have such Tatagaru whose love and affection remembers them always .
    One thing I like about him is he is very broad- minded and never used to get biased in decision making.
    Before we moved to USA, we lived in Bangalore and eventhough we took a house seperately, we enjoyed staying in B-6 Quarter most of the time and I can not forget those days as we happily lived together always and watching a small TV after dinner.
    One thing we used to have regularly is to cook good andhra food and one fine day I have cooked the food my father-in-law likes ie., Kobbari Patchadi, Aratikai vepudu, dondakai fry and pappupulusu. He remembered this and used to bring to the coversation at dining table whenever we sit together.
    I really miss his smily face and fatherly love.
    A great tribute I can offer for him by following his priciples in life. I pray god to give good strength to my mother-in-law .

    Om Shanthi.

  16. The first thing i would say is I would consider myself extremely lucky to have a loving, caring and fun grandpa. I can still remember all the cricket games we watched together and how fun it was, watching it with Tatagaru that’s something that I won't ever forget. He'd be happy to see India at number 2 in the ODI rankings right now. One thing I will always remember is how Tatagaru never ever got angry. When I think of all my experiences with him where he's taught various things to me and never once has he lost his patience, and i can't thank him enough for that. Especially when i think of all the people that i deal with daily I can't think of a single other person that displays that much patience or affection. I remember Tatagaru's favorite song, and how he was trying to teach me how to sing but i just couldn't get it. Being around Tatagaru was great because of his personality. He had a great sense of humor, as well as a good understanding of things which made him an invaluable person to guide me in any situation. I’ve heard that when I was younger I used to give my parents trouble when It came to eating and Tatagaru at times had to drive me around just to get me to eat and now I can appreciate the dedication and love that he had for me and how much he cared about me. I will miss him more than anything else that I can think of right now and he will always be in my heart.

  17. I still remember the day when I saw bavavgaru first somewhere during Feb-Mar 1964 in Aruku-valley, the most beautiful & picturesque place in A.P. at our peddananna garu's where at he sang "brundavanamadi andaridi govindudu andarivadele" most popular no. from MISSAMMA. Occasion-alliance talks to my sister and I thought he is the befitting alliance and resulted in marriage during May'64.The sweet smile and the selection ever memorized.
    Ever since found him so till the last I met him in hitec city. Most reasonable and great forgiving nature to his quality life as he takes the things as they do come. Never targets a person nor sarcastic and enjoyed his life while being helpful to the needy, I admire every step. May he be in Heaven's abode-ever.

  18. Hello Madhavi,

    It's a very good idea to open a blog and share the feelings of our family members. This blog will help the grandchildren know about their loving grandparents.

    Here is something very interesting about Bavagaru. Singing Hindi songs. Especially his favorite song which he used to sing very confidently, that its tune was correct but not the lyrics. "Kabi Kabi Meri dil Mai.." was the actual version of the song whereas the song he sang goes "Kathi Kahi mere dil mai khayal ta hai".

    Everyone will have interest in seeing cricket and feel happy when India wins but Bavagaru's interest was something special. It was night 12:45 pm in the year 1983 when India won the PRUDENTIAL CUP (Kapil was the captain) he went to shop and bought sweets and gave us. It was very thrilling and great. One more thing about Bavagaru is his sorrows and troubles were never expressed or showed to any other person till the end of his life.

  19. tatagaru was a really great person in every single perspective. His kindness, patience and sense of humor was really appreciative. I remember the times when I used to come for vacations and tatagaru would drive me to various places and keep me occupied all the time. he had great affection for his grand children and so did we have a real special place for him in our hearts. He always kept smiling and not once have I seen him get angry at me. He was always so patient and calm. its hard to believe he isn't there ,I still feel his presence in my heart and will never be able to forget such a great person like tatagaru.

  20. Tatagaru told me easy strategies to do math. He searched all over Bangalore to get books for me. He told me tips for board games. He gave me company when I had nothing to do. He always made me happy. He is always happy and cheerful. He is nice and friendly. He encourages me when I don’t think I can do something. He helps me when something’s hard. He is someone you always want around.

  21. I have very nice memories about Mohan rao Garu.

    When Mohan rao garu & prabhavathi garu came to USA we went to Niagara falls it was wonderful time prakash & my self enjoyed a lot with prabhavathi garu & mohanrao garu. Four of us one side & malathi, madhavi, neeraj & children on other side. While coming back four of us in one car that time Mohan rao garu & Prakash were singing all the way until reaching Bethlehem. They were singing old telugu & hindi songs. In between my self & prabhavathi garu singing a little. but I am not a singer. mohanrao garu was a good singer and also prakash. when they were in Bethlehem we use to go some temples. prakash & rao garu had a good time. we never forget rao garu. prakash & my self always talk about rao garu. and also we photo of four of us. we took this photo in niagara falls. prabhavathi garu do not worry. do not feel you are alone there are four gems with you and also we are with you when were you want to talk with us feel free at any time we are there for you. if you need any help you can call my brother prabhakar in bangalore. Madhavi so nice of you. you did very good job.

    Kalyani prakash

  22. Mohan Rao uncle was my neighbor. We lived on the opposite sides of the street. What I remember most about him is his patience. He truly had the patience of a saint. My one regret is I got to spent not much time with him. I used to wish some of his immense patience and bonhomie would rub off on me.

    Every day in the morning, I would see him reading newspaper in the verandah. It was tough to realize that sight was something I would never behold again. But wait!! actually uncle, if I look hard enough I can see you in the verandah.......reading the newspaper and wishing me a cheery good morning. Just that the verandah exists only in my mind's eye.....

  23. Madhavi,
    It is a very beautiful idea to keep your Dad's memories alive in this blog. It felt good to see his picture just the way I remember him.

    The personification of the word DAD is your father. He is the one person that everyone of us should have as a dad. I don't have to say it out loud how lucky and blessed you are to have had him in your lives.

    I still wish we had made that trip early on that day before he left to India so I could have gotten to meet and talk to him one more time.

    He will remain in our thoughts always.
